The ChanServ Commands

ChanServ commands to register and maintain your channels.
ACCESS: Maintains the access list for a channel. The nick not on the access list has a user level of 0

ADD: /chanserv access #channel add nick level
Adds the given nickname to the access list with the given user level.

DEL: /ChanServ access #channel del (nick|entry-num|list)
Removes the given nick from the access list.

LIST: /ChanServ access #channel list (mask|list)
Displays the access list.


CLEAR: /ChanServ access #channel clear
Clears all entries of the access list.

AUTOVOICE: /ChanServ autovoice #channel (REG|ALL|OFF)
Enable or disable automatic voicing of users upon joining a channel. The REG option can voice only registered users whereas the ALL option will voice all users.
OFF option will disable auto voicing.

AKICK: Auto Kick list for a channel. ChanServ will ban and kick user from the channel.
ADD: /ChanServ akick #channel add mask reason
Adds the given nick or usermask to the Auto Kick list. If a reason is given with the command, that text will be used when the user is kicked.

STICK: /ChanServ akick #channel stick mask
Permanently bans the given mask on the channel. (Not for registered nicks)

UNSTICK: /ChanServ akick #channel unstick mask
Cancels the effect of the AKICK STICK command.

DEL: /ChanServ akick #channel del mask
Removes the given nick or mask from the Auto Kick list.

LIST: /ChanServ akick #channel list mask
Displays the Auto Kick list, or optionally only those Auto Kick entries which match the given mask.

VIEW: /ChanServ akick #channel view mask
The AKICK VIEW command is a more verbose version of AKICK LIST command.

ENFORCE: /ChanServ akick #channel enforce
Causes ChanServ to enforce the current AKICK list by removing those users who match an AKICK mask.

CLEAR: /ChanServ akick #channel clear
Clears all entries of the akick list.


AOP: Maintains channel Auto OP list.

ADD: /ChanServ aop #channel add nick
Adds the given nickname to the AOP list.


DEL: /ChanServ aop #channel del (nick|entry-num|list)
Removes the given nick from the AOP list.


LIST: /ChanServ aop #channel list
Displays the AOP list.


example: AOP #channel LIST 2-5,7-9 Lists AOP entries: 2 through 5 and 7.

CLEAR: /ChanServ aop #channel clear
AOP CLEAR command will clears all entries of the AOP list.

BAN: /ChanServ ban #channel nick reason
Bans a selected nick on a channel.

CLEAR: ChanServ to clear settings on your channel.Resets all modes on the channel

MODES: /ChanServ clear #channel modes

BANS: /ChanServ clear #channel bans
Clears all bans on the channel.

OPS: /ChanServ clear #channel ops
Removes channel-operator status (mode +o) from all channel operators.

VOICES: /ChanServ clear #channel voices
Removes "voice" status (mode +v) from anyone with that mode set.

USERS: /ChanServ clear #channel users
Removes (kicks) all users from the channel.

DEHALFOP: /ChanServ dehalfop #channel nick
Dehalfops a selected nick make sure a nick is given

DEOP: /ChanServ deop #channel nick


DEOWNER: /ChanServ deowner #channel
Removes your owner status on channel.

DEPROTECT: /ChanServ deprotect #channel nick
Deprotects a selected nick on a channel.

DEVOICE: /ChanServ devoice #channel nick
Devoices a selected nick on a channel.

DROP: /ChanServ drop #channel
Cancel the registration of a channel Can only be used by channel founder.

GETKEY: /ChanServ getkey #channel
Returns the key of the given channel.

HALFOP: /ChanServ halfop #channel nick
Halfops a selected nick on a channel.

HOP: Maintains the HOP (HalfOP) list for a channel. The HOP list gives users auto-halfopped status on your channel.

ADD: /ChanServ hop #channel add nick
Adds the given nickname to the HOP list.

DEL: /ChanServ hop #channel del (nick|entry-num|list)
Removes the given nick from the HOP list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted.

LIST: /ChanServ hop #channel list (mask|list)
Displays the HOP list. wildcards permitted.

CLEAR: /ChanServ hop #channel clear
Command clears all entries of the HOP list.

IDENTIFY: /ChanServ identify #channel password
Authenticates you to ChanServ as the founder of the given channel

INFO: /ChanServ info #channel ALL
Lists information about the named registered #channel

INVITE: /ChanServ invite #channel
Tells ChanServ to invite you into the given channel.

KICK: /ChanServ kick #channel nick reason
Kicks a selected nick on a channel.

LEVELS: Allows better control for the numeric access levels.

SET: /chanserv levels #channel set type level
Allows change to the access level for a function or group of functions.

DISABLE: /chanserv levels #channel (dis|disable) type
Disables an automatic feature or disallows access to a function by all users except the channel founder.

LIST: /chanserv levels #channel list
Shows the current levels for each function or group of functions.

: /chanserv levels #channel reset
Resets the levels to the default levels of a new channel

Example: /ChanServ SET channel option parameters

FOUNDER Set the founder

SUCCESSOR Set the successor for a channel

PASSWORD Set the founder password

DESC Set the channel description

URL Fix a URL with the channel

EMAIL Associate an E-mail address with the channel

ENTRYMSG Set a message to be sent to users when they join your channel

BANTYPE Set how Services do bans on the channel

MLOCK Lock channel modes on or off

KEEPTOPIC Save topic when channel is not in use

OPNOTICE Send a notice when OP/DEOP commands are used

PEACE Regulate the use of commands

PRIVATE Hide channel from LIST command

RESTRICTED Restrict access to your channel

SECURE Activate ChanServ security

SECUREOPS Stricter control of chanop status

SECUREFOUNDER Stricter control of channel founder status

SIGNKICK Sign kicks that are done with KICK command

TOPICLOCK Topic can only be changed with TOPIC

XOP Toggle the user privilege

LOGOUT: /chanserv logout #channel nick
This command makes the selected nickname not identified

MODE: /mode #channel mode
Only Operator or Half-Op can change channel modes.

A = Admin only channel

b nick!user@host= Bans the nick!user@host from the channel.

c = Blocks messages with ANSI color

C = No CTCPs allowed in the channel.

e nick!user@host = Exception ban

f [*]lines:seconds = Flood protection, * can be used with nick.

G = Makes the channel G Rated. The bad words are censored.

H = No +I users may join

h nick = Gives HalfOp status to the user

i = Invite-only allowed

K = /KNOCK is not allowed

k key = Needs the Channel Key to join the channel

L #channel = If +l is full, the next user will auto-join #channel

l x= Channel may hold at most number of users. x= max users

M = A registered nickname (+r) is required to talk

m = Moderated channel, Only users with mode +voh can chat.

n = No external messages

N = No Nickname changes are permitted in the channel.

O = Operator only channel

o nick = Operator status

p = Private channel

q nick = Sets #channel owner

Q = No kicks in channel

r = Channel is registered

R = Only registered nickname may join channel

s = Secret channel

S = Strip text colors

t = Only operators may set the topic

T = NOTICE's not allowed in the channel

U = Strips formatting

u = Makes /NAMES and /WHO #channel only show Operators.

V = /INVITE is not allowed

v nick = Gives user voice

z = Secure clients

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